Twitter just saved the blushes of Android brands tweeting from iPhones - MrLiambi's blog


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Tuesday 15 November 2022

Twitter just saved the blushes of Android brands tweeting from iPhones

Android brands tweeting about their wares while using iPhones has long been a source of amusement, but it's going away and now we're sad.

It's a story (almost) as old as time. An Android brand or one of its "brand ambassadors" tweets something about a new phone only for everyone to spot that it was sent using the competition - an iPhone. Celebrities like Gal Gadot have fallen foul of Twitter showing you what device a tweet was sent from, and even Google and Samsung have been known to tweet from an iPhone here and there. But like so much of Twitter since Elon Musk took over, the fun is coming to an end.

Musk announced on Monday that the source of a tweet will soon be going away for good, leaving people with no way of knowing whether people used an iPhone, Android phone, the web, or a third-party app to send their tweets. Twitter previously said that the source labels were to "help you better understand how a Tweet was posted". But Musk says that it's a "waste of screen space and compute) so it's headed for the scrap heap.

Celebrities everywhere, rejoice.

Gal Gadot with the Huawei ad... tweeted from an iPhone. Niceeeee

â€" Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) April 24, 2018

We don't yet know when Musk will make the labels go away - they were still there at the time of writing - but it'll be the end of an era when they do. Still, we don't imagine many ad agencies will be shedding too many tears when it happens.

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