2020 - MrLiambi's blog


My tweets


Thursday, 31 December 2020

'The Office' stars ring in 2021 with a *very* on-brand jello stunt #rwanda #RwOT
Develop emotional intelligence with this heavily discounted bundle #rwanda #RwOT
'The Office' stars ring in 2021 with a *very* on-brand jello stunt
Develop emotional intelligence with this heavily discounted bundle
The 10 must-see night sky events to see in 2021 #rwanda #RwOT
When, where and how to see the planets in the 2021 night sky #rwanda #RwOT
Michael Burnham goes full John McClane in 'Star Trek: Discovery's' penultimate episode of season 3 #rwanda #RwOT
Michael Burnham goes full John McClane in 'Star Trek: Discovery's' penultimate episode of season 3
When, where and how to see the planets in the 2021 night sky
The 10 must-see night sky events to see in 2021
Photos of New Year's Eve 2019 are a real gut punch compared to pictures from today
'Firefly's' Alan Tudyk plays a marooned E.T. stranded in small-town America in first trailer for Syfy's 'Resident Alien'
Elizabeth Warren hates Zoom as much as we all do
Watch hundreds of people sing a sea shanty together, virtually #rwanda #RwOT
Watch hundreds of people sing a sea shanty together, virtually
Tony Hawk's COVID test turned into a perfect 'Are you Tony Hawk?' moment #rwanda #RwOT