5 reasons why I'm using a Sony Walkman in 2024 - MrLiambi's blog


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Wednesday 29 May 2024

5 reasons why I'm using a Sony Walkman in 2024

I've been using a Sony Walkman E394 for a few weeks now since getting it to review, and I've really enjoyed using it to listen to music regularly. I usually use Spotify on my phone to listen to music, so it's been a very nice change of pace for me. There's definitely been a renewed interest in retro tech, and for good reason -- we've been inundated with screens and internet-connected devices for so long, we need a break already. MP3 players are still made for a reason, and I completely get it now.

Source : https://www.pocket-lint.com/reasons-why-im-using-a-walkman-in-2024/

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