Best of Computex 2024: Pocket-lint Awards - MrLiambi's blog


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Friday 7 June 2024

Best of Computex 2024: Pocket-lint Awards

For as much as technology has changed in the mobile and AI eras, the PC remains essential. Even in 2024, there's something exciting about the way the computer industry manages to reinvent itself year after year, and no where is that excitement more palatable than at Computex. Each year, nearly every of company of note in the sector descends on the capital of Taiwan to share their latest wares. And if you love PC gaming as much as I do, Computex is the event to watch. This year was not exception, with AMD, Intel and Nvidia all coming out swinging. These are Pocket-lint's picks of the most eye-catching, drool-worthy or highly-anticipated products shown at the show.

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