Apple still has plans for AirPower-style charger - MrLiambi's blog


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Monday 29 November 2021

Apple still has plans for AirPower-style charger

Apple is reportedly pressing ahead with plans for a multi-device charger.

After ditching the AirPower charging mat due to design complications in 2019, the company has apparently been beavering away on an alternative device to charge different Apple products at the same time.

Journalist and Apple expert, Mark Gurman, believes that it is looking at numerous technologies, including long distance and device-to-device wireless charging.

His latest issue of the Power On newsletter details some of the concepts: "I do think Apple is still working on some sort of multi-device charger that it intends to eventually release," he wrote. "There's a reason why it planned to launch the device in the first place in 2017.

"I also believe Apple is working on short and long distance wireless charging devices and that it imagines a future where all of Apple's major devices can charge each other. Imagine an iPad charging an iPhone and then that iPhone charging AirPods or an Apple Watch."

Naturally, there are no dates mentioned, as these are more Gurman's thoughts than leaks. However, the Bloomberg writer is more right than wrong when it comes to all things Apple. And let's face it, it'd be odd if the manufacturer let AirPower's issues deter it in providing a universal wireless charging solution in future.

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