Amy Klobuchar loves this journalism bill. Facebook and Google, not so much. - MrLiambi's blog


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Friday 19 March 2021

Amy Klobuchar loves this journalism bill. Facebook and Google, not so much.

Amy Klobuchar loves this journalism bill. Facebook and Google, not so much.

Republicans and Democrats recently introduced a bill that aims to help a news industry decimated by the emergence of online ads. Google and Facebook don't seem to be fans.

It comes as the news industry is hemorrhaging money and talent. From 2008 to 2019, U.S. newspapers shed half of their employees, according to the Pew Research Center. That happened as Google and Facebook captured 60 percent of all U.S. digital advertising revenueAccording to a study by the News Media Alliance, which represents 2,000 publishers of primarily local newspapers, Google made $4.7 billion from news content in 2018 without paying anything for it. Read more...

More about Tech, Facebook, Google, Media, and Journalism

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