Why are exclusive dating apps usually so disappointing? - MrLiambi's blog


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Saturday 13 February 2021

Why are exclusive dating apps usually so disappointing?

Why are exclusive dating apps usually so disappointing?

In our Love App-tually series, Mashable shines a light into the foggy world of online dating.

When I first heard of Lox Club, a glossy, exclusive dating app for young Jewish people, I audibly gasped. 

Its minimal Instagram page spun the tale of the real-life Lox Club, a speakeasy turned hangout for Jewish elite during the twentieth century. Now, Lox Club has been given the millennial rebrand complete with a sleek logo and New York Times writeup. In 2021, Lox Club is a "private, membership-based dating app for Jews with ridiculously high standards."

I hurriedly downloaded the app and filled out an application. Days later, I received a notification letting me know I was accepted. Read more...

More about Online Dating, Dating Apps, Sex And Relationships, Culture, and Sex Relationships

Source : http://feeds.mashable.com/~r/Mashable/~3/-y7u9LauDbU/


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