What is Game Mode on your TV and should you use it? - MrLiambi's blog


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Thursday 18 February 2021

What is Game Mode on your TV and should you use it?

What is Game Mode on your TV and should you use it?

Sometimes you'll try to play a video game on your TV and it just feels wrong. Your button presses aren't responsive enough and, before you know it, you're staring at a "game over" screen. You may not know it, but even older TVs have an easy fix for this.

Allow me to introduce you to "Game Mode." It's a setting that has existed in TVs for many years, from that old, barely HD set you've carried with you since your dorm room days to that shiny, new 4K display you just got on a holiday sale. And turning it on could fix all of your problems.

But before we fix problems, we have to diagnose them. Game Mode primarily exists to address something called "input lag," so it's time for a bit of education if you don't know what that is. Read more...

More about Tv, Video Games, Tech, Consumer Tech, and Big Tech Companies

Source : http://feeds.mashable.com/~r/Mashable/~3/3WIiw5xv-PA/

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