Take the confusion out of reporting abuse, online harassment with this app - MrLiambi's blog


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Friday 19 February 2021

Take the confusion out of reporting abuse, online harassment with this app

Take the confusion out of reporting abuse, online harassment with this app

Survivors of abuse are used to hearing, 'What evidence do you have to back that up?' or 'Have you documented these incidents?' when they turn to a police officer or the legal system for safety. 

Create a timeline of the violence. Screenshot the harassing emails in which they threaten to hurt or report you. Transcribe the threatening voicemails. Photograph the burning red marks on your wrists after they twisted your arms. Save all the Facebook posts publicly spewing lies about your character. Write down the names of everyone who saw the abuse and see if they'd be willing to go on the record. For survivors, the list goes on and on.  Read more...

More about Abuse, Apps And Software, Social Good, and Sex Relationships

Source : http://feeds.mashable.com/~r/Mashable/~3/FEfKv5cWx-Q/

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